Women’s Issues

Mark Steyn takes on idiot journalists who think that the election was about gender, and in the process makes an important point.

What is a ”women’s issue” anyway? To some, it might be the sacred constitutional right to avail oneself of a partial-birth abortion. But to others it might be the war on terror. After all, if there’s one single issue that distinguishes Western values from Islamofascism, it’s the treatment of women. Imagine being forbidden by law to go to school or leave the house unaccompanied. Imagine the state deciding what clothes you can wear. Imagine being prevented by law from feeling sunlight on your face. I’d say voting for people who liberate women from theocratic fascism is a women’s issue.

He also debunks the notion, apparently undying among some in the media, of the “Clinton charisma.”

My favorite line is the last one, though:

Remind me never to complain about ”liberal media bias” again. Right now, liberal media bias is conspiring to assist the Democrats to sleepwalk over the cliff.