Confusion About The Concept

Once again, over at Glenn’s site, someone confuses a court of law with the court of public opinion.

“Innocent until proven guilty” is an important principle in its place, which is in a venue in which someone is about to be deprived of life or liberty by the state. It is an absurd principle to apply to public opinion and opprobrium. OJ Simpson remains innocent in the eyes of the law (ignoring the civil suit). He remains obviously guilty to most thinking members of the public.

No one is “lynching” Mr. Lott. We are criticizing him, and some of us are asking him to step down as Majority Leader (not just for this gaffe, but because it was a final straw in a long and idiotic career built on many such). As Instapundit says, that’s not depriving him of his freedom of speech–it’s exercising ours.