All Over But The Shouting

Mark Steyn says that the war is pretty much over. But the key point is in the last graf:

But, for everyone other than media naysayers, it’s the Anglo-Aussie-American side who are the geniuses. Rumsfeld’s view that one shouldn’t do it with once-a-decade force, but with a lighter, faster touch has been vindicated, with interesting implications for other members of the axis of evil and its reserve league.

Yup. One of the benefits of doing this was to show that Afghanistan wasn’t a fluke–we can pretty much take on any country we want, at least one that’s being run by thugs, and has no popular support, at relatively little cost.

Mr. Assad, Mr. Arafat, mullahs in Iran, Kim Jung Il, maybe even Mr. Mugabe, all take note.

There’s a new sheriff in town…