Domain For Sale

In response to a comment by “Judith” at this post and last week’s Fox column, I’ve registered the name “”

It’s for sale.

I hate to beg for contributions to the tip jar, though I could use them, but I’d like to auction this domain off, which is a great one for a blog (I like to offer more value for the donation than just my posts…). I’ve got no problem with doing so, because as far as I know, I coined the name, and no one else bothered to register it. Yes, I know, you can get “,” or “,” or several other variations, but this is probably the most valuable, and I’d like to sell it to a worthy blogger.

That’s right. I’m not going to the highest bidder (though, obviously, if someone offers me megabucks, or even kilobucks for it, I’ll take it–I’m crazy, but not stupid). I’d like it to go to a worthy contender.

Send me either URLs to blogs that you’ve already done, or if not a current blogger, examples of what you could do, to let me judge if you’re worthy of the name.

My decision will be based on a combination of blogworthiness and cash on the barrelhead, with the first having the highest priority. That is, all other things being equal, writing (and particularly bunkum-busting writing) will trump the money, barring an outrageously high-priced bid.

Decision will be made by tax day…