Far Right? Far Out

Here is a graphic illustration of the absurdity and meaninglessness of labeling everyone on a left-right axis.

It has Glenn in the center, and the only two people further to the right than me are (possibly–it’s hard to tell for sure) Susanna Cornett and Iain Murray. I’ve never done a calibration, but having known him for many years, both on and off the internet, I suspect that my views line up with Glenn’s with about a ninety percent correlation (though it’s been much longer since I was a Democrat than it’s been since he was).

Sorry to disappoint, folks, but I’m not a conservative, regardless of how many people mistakenly call me one.

I’d like to know the methodology (for instance, why two instantiations of Little Green Footballs?), but, as I said above, it doesn’t matter, because the whole notion of trying to put people on a simplistic one-dimensional axis has no utility.