It’s Fall–Loon Season

OK, the previous (actually, tomorrow’s–isn’t the internet wonderful?–it allows posting in the future…) post is probably my last before exploring the wilds of northern Wisconsin and Michigan for the first time since my college days, in the most beautiful season of all–the fall. But I just wanted to note:

Isn’t Arianna, who just dropped out of the race because she is appalled by the thought of Governor Scharznegger to the point that she’s now supporting Grayout Davis, whom she’s been running against for months, the same Arianna who has never polled more than the margin of error so who cares to whom her votes go (most likely the socialist Camera)? Is that the Arianna who a little over three years ago thought that Warren Beatty would be a great president? Is that the Arianna we’re talking about?

And if so, why should we care whether the loon is in or out?