The Revolution Continues

Well, at least Iowahawk says that they are still revolting:

We are still revolting because someone needs to be the voice of sanity in AmeriKKKa.

It’s time someone else on this campus besides the faculty learns the ugly truth: with every passing day under BushCo, this country creeps farther and farther beyond the ragged edge of mass political madness, into a sickening extremist mobius strip Texas twilight zone of fat, hydra-headed oilmen electrocuting the innocent while money-green puke gushes from their eye sockets across a basketball court covered in Eggo toaster waffles. Until the rest of you awake from your sheeple dream to the reality of this nightmare, we in the campus reality-based resistance will be like the courageous European boy Hans Brinker — putting our finger in the eroding dyke of Human Rights and shouting out to the world that the Chimperor has no clothes.

Actually, I think that one of his commenters is right. The ‘Hawk is slacking off–he probably just cut’n’pasted this from Democratic Underground. It is a gut buster nonetheless.