No Free Speech For Reporters

Hiawatha Bray has gotten into trouble with his bosses at the Boston Globe for expressing his political opinions on line:

…Bray posted an item under his own name on a blog hosted by the San Jose Mercury News dismissing Kerry’s strategy of promoting his Vietnam service record as “moronic.”

Bray promoted many of the Swift Boat attacks on Kerry – some of which were proven false. He questioned his own paper’s work, dismissing probes of Bush’s National Guard service as “innuendo.”

And in another Web forum after the election, Bray identified himself as a “Bush supporter” and said he’s “feeling pretty good now.”

Emphasis mine. I’m not aware of any that were “proven false.” That’s the same kind of sophistry–well, lie, actually–that the same folks use when they say that the Independent Council report “proved the Clintons innocent” of everything in Whitewater. As far as I’m aware, the worst that can be said about any of the charges is that they remain in dispute. Few of them can be resolved absent Kerry’s service records, which he continues to refuse to release, despite his statement that he would do so to Tim Russert a few weeks ago.

Anyway, that’s a side issue. According to the article, Bray “had been told in November his postings were ‘inappropriate and in violation of our standards.”’

One can’t help but wonder if they would have been more”appropriate” and in keeping with their “standards” if the criticism had instead been directed at George Bush, rather than the hometown boy.