Space Blogroll Update

I’ve added a blogger who’s an employee at Johnson Space Center to the “Space” links to the left, who runs the “Mazoo” blog. I’m keeping this person anonymous, because I don’t know if (s)he wants the notoriety–if a self outing is desired, I have a comments section. As a content sample, there are some thoughts there on Hubble, the role of aeronautics in NASA (the first “A” and a subject to which I’ve been giving some recent thought) and the new administrator.

I’ve also moved Spaceship Summer, Rocketman, and The New Space Age blogs to the “AWOL” list, in the interest of weeking my garden, since I’ve seen no posting there for quite a while. They can inform me if they start posting regularly again.

By the way, if there are other space bloggers out there of whom I’m not aware, let me know, either in a trackback/comment here or via email.

[Update a couple hours later]

Here, via Instapundit, is another space blog previously unknown to me–Space Law Probe