Now What?

Firefox has let me down. I haven’t previously used it that much in Linux, but I was forced to today with my current computer problems. I notice that on my Fedora box (Core 3), it’s started crashing with regularity. I had several instances of it running, some with multiple tabs, and they suddenly all disappeared. Now when I try to reopen it, sometimes it will open, and after I open up a couple tabs, and switch to another one, it gets blown away. The last time, it died even before it finished loading the first page.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is? (If anyone’s wondering, I’m posting this from another Windows machine.)

[Update a few minutes later]

I decided to upgrade from 1.0 (which was a preview version that came with the Fedora install) to 1.04, which is the latest version. We’ll see if it’s more stable. So far, so good…