
Andrew Sullivan yesterday:

Yes, I preferred him to Bush last November. I’ve never believed that low Ivy grades are somehow an impediment to high office. But then you find out that Kerry’s refusal to release his military records prevented him from disseminating lots of glowing tributes from the Swift Boat maniacs. Dumb and dumber.

Emphasis mine.

I couldn’t let this pass. Andrew simply has a huge blind spot when it comes to the credibility of the Swift Boat vets, because and (as far as I can tell) only because he doesn’t want to believe them. I’m confident that he hasn’t read the book, or he couldn’t possibly write this sort of nonsense.

When it comes to “maniacs,” let me present exhibit A: Lawrence O’Donnell, face red, veins bulging out of his neck, in a complete on-air meltdown, repeatedly screaming “Liar”” and “Creep!” at a calm, collected John O’Neill on Scarborough Country late last October. And Andrew calls the Swift Boat vets maniacs?

[Update at noon eastern]

Thomas Lipscomb asks whether Kerry really released the records. If I were a betting man, I know where my money would be…