Conflicted Democrats?

I’m amazed that even Dana Milbank could write tripe like this with a straight face:

Democratic strategist Chris Lehane, who like Shrum favors hardball politics, protested that “we Democrats bring a well-thumbed copy of Marquess of Queensberry Rules while the other side unsheaths their bloody knives, with a predictable outcome.” Lehane said the NARAL ad “was great, and exactly the type of offensive that breaks through in the modern age.”

Chris Lehane plays by Marquis of Queensberry Rules? That would be hilarious if it weren’t so nuts. I mean, not even the moonbats at Kos can take that one seriously.

You know, amidst all of the calls to pull the ad, maybe I’ve missed them, but I haven’t seen any that did so because it was scurrilous and false–the line generally seems to be that it should be pulled because it was counterproductive. In other words, lying is all right, if it helps the cause. It reminds me of the “Palestinians” who have disavowed murdering Israelis, not because there’s anything wrong with it, but because it was failing as a tactic.