Not In My Name

Apparently, many families with members serving in Iraq aren’t as impressed with Mother Sheehan as the MSM seems to be. And seems to want us to be.

[9 AM EDT Update]

Here’s a specific grieving father who says that Cindy Sheehan doesn’t speak for him. Does he (in defiance of the meaning of the word “absolute”) have less “absolute moral authority” than she does, Maureen? Or is it only grieving parents who are opposed to the war, and think that Bush did it for oil and imperialism, and is waging a nuclear war in Iraq, and should be impeached, who have that quality?

And he makes an excellent point. If, as she says, the moral authority of parents whose offspring (and no, they’re not children, despite your and others’ attempt to infantilize them for political purposes) are killed in Iraq is truly absolute, how does she reconcile these apparently conflicting views?

[Update at 11:40 AM EDT]

Mark Steyn has further related thoughts at The Spectator (registration required).