If The Chinese Space Program

…is anything like their aviation program, we have nothing to worry about.

Take that, runway! Who’s your daddy now?

(“Ladies and gentlemen, please keep your seatbelts on until we’ve finished bouncing to the gate…”)

[From the Nav Log]

[Update at 2 PM EST[

A commenter says that it’s a fake. It’s still pretty funny, though.

By the way, perhaps Mark Whittington should apply for the job of running the Chinese Space Agency’s equivalent of the Public Affairs Office. Given the apparent umbrage he takes when anyone disses their space program, he should at least be getting paid for it.

[Update a little while later]

Mark is apparently as unfamiliar with the meaning of the word “ire” as he is with that of “affront.”


Mark, the fact that you seem to have no sense of humor doesn’t mean that my comment wasn’t meant to be humorous. I have no “ire” toward the Chinese space program. In fact, that’s why you always seem to be so upset with me–because I don’t take it seriously enough to have “ire” toward it. I wish you’d make up your mind as to how I’m supposed to view it (or how you’re supposed to, for that matter). I also wish you’d quit fantasizing my views on things, and feebly attempting to propagate them to the world. I know that’s not going to happen, though.