Merry Christmas To All

…all my Christian readers, that is. The rest of you can go suck eggs. Or enjoy the holiday anyway, as I will. And my very best wishes are reserved for those in “the sandbox,” trying to help make a better Middle East, at the potential cost of their lives and limbs, and at the definite cost of a holiday at home with their families.

And to all a good night.

[Note: this message will be on top for a while, so don’t let that stop you from scrolling down to look for any potential new content. On the other hand, there probably won’t be a lot under the circumstances…]

[Update a few minutes later]

All right, happy Channukah to my Jewish readers as well, though we all know that it’s a pretty minor holiday as Jewish holidays go, and none of us goyim would pay any attention at all if it hadn’t been set up as an alternative to Christmas so the Jewish kids wouldn’t feel left out.

And as for Kwanza…please. Well, OK. If I have any readers who actually celebrate it, have a good one.

And to heck with you Festivus people. Get a non-nihilistic religion.