Just In Case You Had Any Doubts

The goal of the enemy:

He said democracy was crumbling and laid out a two-stage plan to replace it with a Muslim nation.

The first he said meant “bleed them from their sides, their heads, their economy, everything until they surrender.”

The preacher went on: “Like you imagine you have only one small knife and you have a big animal in the front of you, the size of the knife you can’t slaughter him with this.

“You have to stab him here and there until he bleeds to death, until he die, then you cut his meat the way you like it or leave it for the maggots.”

After that he claimed: “The people who called you terrorist before, they will call you khalifas (Muslim rulers) and the scholars who used to call you khawarij (rebels against Islam) yesterday, they will write poems about you.”

The second stage involved taking control of the whole world, he added.

“Don’t be a shield for the kufr because we will get you,” he added. “Even if you are not a target and you are in the target area. If you fear them, you should fear Allah more. It’s a bloody way.”

Hamza told his followers they would eventually see a Muslim ruler in the White House and added: “The whole earth, it will be for Muslims, this is a promise from Allah.

No, they’re nothing like Hitler.

Hitler only had ambitions to rule Eurasia.