And Now For Something Completely Different


…some experts question if asexuality even exists. There’s been virtually no research on the subject. Psychologists disagree on how to define it. And there’s no certainty on what might influence it. Do hormones, genetics, personal experiences play a part? With no clinical or scientific conclusions on the subject, asexuals create their own definition.

And that definition is a far cry from celibacy, Jay pointed out. “It’s not a choice. Celibacy is a choice, whereas asexuality is just the way that you are. Much like being gay is not a choice, or being straight or being right-handed,” he said.

Some studies show that asexual behavior does exist in the animal world. Dr. Anthony Bogaert of Brock University in Ontario, who has conducted one of the few studies of human asexuality said he found as much as 1 percent of the population may be asexual.

But, as with other abnormal sexual orientations, there are some people determined to “fix” them.

And before anyone gets upset with my use of the word “abnormal,” there’s nothing wrong with that.