I’m Shocked, Shocked

Remember Safe, Simple, Soon? Well, I guess they never explicitly said it would be cheap, but they sure implied the hell out of it:

NASA’s initial internal estimate of what it would cost to modify the current SRB used for Shuttle missions to serve as the first stage of the new Crew Launch Vehicle had been around $1 billion. That estimate has been revised up to around $3 billion.

Nice bait and switch–you have to admire ATK for their marketing, if nothing else.

And tell me again, what was the estimate to “human rate” an EELV? And more to the point, how many very juicy first, second and third prizes for low-cost crew access to LEO could three billion dollars fund?

Also, for any enterprising muckraising space journalists out there, this has been a juicy scandal waiting to happen, what with Scott Horowitz’ recent job change, and all. Moreover, it could potentially be one that kills the Satay (or as Henry Spencer calls it, Porklauncher I).

I’m just sayin’…