
One more post before I get on the plane. This post over at Hit’n’Run, in which Jesse Walker hits Instapundit, looks more like a Kos post in the comments section than what I used to expect from a magazine called “Reason” (to which we continue to subscribe).

Much has been made of how the war has split the Dems, and the war has split the Republicans, but it’s really splintered the libertarians. I used to consider myself one (and in most ways that I consider important, still do). I suspect that Glenn does as well. But as Ronald Reagan once said about the Democrats, “I didn’t leave the party–the party left me.”

[Update, from LA]

Well, that set off a lively debate, though not as much as yesterday’s post.

[Update on Thursday morning]

In response to it looking Kossian, Jesse Walker emails:

That’s because it got linked by Atrios and a bunch of his readers came over. The comment thread is basically a bunch of visitors from InstaPundit arguing with a bunch of visitors from Eschaton — and complaining that the commenters at Hit & Run are nuts.

Hey, some of the Hit & Run regulars are nuts. But they aren’t that crazy. Most of them sat out that particular debate.

Fair enough. But many of the comments here are about deeper concerns with the direction of the magazine, to which it might behoove both Mssrs. Walker and Gillespie give at least some consideration. The post seems to have struck a chord, both in comments, and in some emails that I’ve gotten.