Moving On To The Next Stage In Media

I’ve come to this conclusion myself (actually a couple years ago, but I’ve been too lazy to do much about it). As a result of that, I had Andrew Case co-blogging with me for a while, until events overtook him, and Sam Dinkin has been helping out some. I just can’t hold down this fort by myself and make a living as well (at least not until I get circulation and potential ad revenue up).

But as this weekend shows, I need help. I’m soliciting potential co-bloggers (at the risk of hurting feelings of those I don’t select, but it’s no different than a job interview in that respect). If you think you have something interesting to say on space policy, technology policy, and policy in general, drop me a line (or even audition and make your case in comments here).

My experience is that many people who I would have thought would be good bloggers…aren’t. It takes more than writing skill to be a blogger. It takes an attitude. You have to not only be willing to let your first draft hang out there, you have to be eager to. People who have actually been bloggers will have a leg up on people who are simply published writers, because they’ve demonstrated they have the chops for getting things up there quickly and timely.

I’m putting out feelers to people I know, but I’m opening up the opportunity to all readers. If you want to be part of this site beyond commenting occasionally (or more than occasionally), make your case.