From Revolutionaries To Arrogant Elites

Mark Steyn writes about the new aristocracy on Capitol Hill. I’d love to see ballots printed with “None of the above” as an option. If that option wins the election, we start over, with no incumbents, and new primaries. Call it the American form of lack-of-confidence vote.

Sadly, the old libertarian cliche that there are far more similarities than differences between two parties seems all too true once again, particularly when it comes to corruption and lust for the acquisition and maintenance of power. Equally sadly, we continue to suffer from the phenomenon that while everyone dislikes Congress, they all love their own congressman (of a kind with the notion that everyone thinks that the economy is doing poorly, though they’re doing fine). I’d love to see a lot of Congresspeople lose their seats this fall, but this phenomenon, coupled with the entrenched positions resulting from gerrymandering by both parties, still militates against it, I suspect.