What Is Wrong With These People?

Anyone who would want to do this just seems like an alien being to me. Of course, I never understood mosh pits, either.

But then, maybe the wikipedia entry explains it:

In many Western cultures, there are very few outlets for a youth’s natural inclination toward violence…

That’s why it is alien to me. I have never in my life, not as a kid, not as an adolescent, not now, had a “natural inclination toward violence.” I don’t even like to squish bugs (except the computer kinds). Perhaps I’m “unnatural.”

And in rereading the article, it makes me wonder about the perspicacity of the people involved:

“You get to be a superhero for a night,” Klimanis said. “We have to go to work every day. We’re constantly told to buy things we don’t need, and just for a couple hours we have the freedom to do what we want to do.”

He’s “told every day to buy things he doesn’t need.” Really? If so, so what? Is someone holding a gun to his head? Has he no willpower? Is his house filled with things that he bought via this mindwashing? Is his only recourse to advertising and having to make a living to go out and beat people up?

What a maroon.