Dems Deride, Truth Dies

John Fund writes about the Democrats’ dilemma in their continuing attempts to rewrite history.

Most people, including me, are willing to discuss and debate the wisdom of both past and current policy in Iraq. But it’s not possible to debate seriously people who continue to insist that Bush lied, and that it was about oil, or avenging his daddy, or because he’s a bloodthirsty warmonger. And people who continue to spout such nonsense are (thankfully) going to continue to lose at the polls, regardless of how unhappy the American people are with the Iraq situation. Which is better news for the Republicans than they deserve.

[Update a few minutes later]

I should add that I actually agree with the Democrats that the administration has been incompetent in the war. The problem is that in this (as on almost all issues), the Dems would be even worse (in many cases, not even being willing to actually wage it). As I’ve said on numerous occasions, I wish that we’d had better choices in 2004.