Short Fast

My grilled animals didn’t taste quite as good when I read this:

Other supporters, including Penn, Sarandon, novelist Alice Walker and actor Danny Glover will join a ‘rolling” fast, a relay in which 2,700 activists pledge to refuse food for at least 24 hours, and then hand over to a comrade.

But they still tasted pretty good.

Aren’t these people pathetic? They call us chickenhawks, but they can’t even be bothered to go hungry for more than one day to defend their so-called principles. Are they really so daft as to imagine that anyone will care about this “sacrifice”?

Don’t answer that question.

[Update at 3 PM]

You know, I hadn’t done the math before, but this makes it even funnier. With 2700 people at one “strike” (read: too busy to eat for a few hours) per person per day, this could go on for almost a decade. Yes, I’m sure it will be front-page news every day…