
I’m back from New Mexico. I got home about 11:30 last night. During my layover in Dallas, I learned from Robin Snelson, and saw on my Treo, that Armadillo didn’t get the job done. It was a good attempt, though, and I think that it’s actually good that all the money is still on the table for next year. Hopefully, their efforts this year will make it easier for others to raise the money in time for next year, where we can have a real competition.

One thing I don’t understand, though. How do they break ties? Suppose that there had been two successful contenders this year, in terms of meeting the minimum prize requirements? Anyone know?

[Update a little after noon Eastern]

Paul Breed has an answer, that I’ll assume is reliable, in comments. Also, Jeff Foust has posted some pictures of yesterday’s events over at Flikr.

I actually think that this is the coolest picture from the event, and a unique one.

But then, I confess to a bias. (And note the pants creases from too much sitting in the press tent…)