
There are probably more loathsome human beings, but it’s hard to imagine one that came as close to becoming president as Senator John Kerry.

And you know, this insulting-the-troops thing has to be driving him nuts, because he probably was taking a slam at Bush, but it backfired. A smart politician would apologize, and say that he didn’t intend any insult to the troops themselves, but Kerry’s not a smart politician. I don’t think that going on the offensive (and I mean that in more than one way, with his comment about Tony Snow and Rush Limbaugh) is going to play well with the independent and moderates, regardless of how much it gives orgasms to the net roots. In particular, when he talks about how he’s always supported the troops, it just provides another opportunity for his opponents to remind people of the 1972 Senate testimony, in which he accused them of being war criminals.

And if this story develops legs like a centipede, and extends for another week into the election, and the Dems don’t do as well as they are currently drooling for, guess who will get the blame? Not that he ever had a prayer, but that will be the end of any hope, even on his own part, that he will get the Dem nomination again.

[Update a few minutes later]

Kerry obviously never learned the first lesson of holes (i.e., when in one, stop digging). Now he’s insulted the troops again:

I am a retired US Navy Senior Chief who spent 21 years serving in the nuclear navy. I read Kerry’s statement and took it as an insult. I just heard his press conference and now take offense that he thinks I’m “crazy” because I was insulted by his remarks last night.

As others have said, like Howard Dean, he’s a gift to Republicans that just keeps on giving.

You have to wonder just how powerful Rove’s mind-control beams are to get them to behave this way.


For those wondering what this is about, here’s the video on And as one commenter pointed out, if he meant to insult Bush, that’s kind of ironic, considering that the president has a degree from Yale and an MBA from Harvard, with better grades than Kerry got.

[Update about 4:37 PM EST]

Bush is going to make a speech shortly that had been previously planned, but he will now take the opportunity to respond to Kerry’s remarks. Time to put on some popcorn.

[Update a little before 6 Eastern]

Austin Bay has further thoughts: