(Not So) Hidden Agendas?

I’ll probably have some commentary on this when I get more time (i.e., when relatives aren’t visiting for the weekend), but Jon Goff has an interesting post on some candid comments by Doug Stanley on ESAS. I’m sure that Doug is sincere in his beliefs that a) Mars is more important than the moon and b) ESAS is the best way under the political circumstances to make it happen. But I think he’s wrong on both counts, and more importantly it is not his place (or even Mike Griffin’s) to make policy. If he has problems with VSE as stated, and wants to do a touch and go on the moon (ignoring the president’s directive), he should work to get the policy changed, rather than pervert the architecture in his preferred direction without such a debate.

[Update on Monday morning]

More interactions with Dr. Stanley, from Keith Cowing.