A Modest Proposal

Frank J. says that the military needs to get back to basics:

I, for one, know the military – and especially my brother – would like this policy a lot better. Actually, if the people shouting “Chickenhawk!” all the time got their way and only people in the military made decisions on wars, that’s exactly what would happen. My brother, like many Marines, joined the military to kill evil foreigners, not to build schools. Do you have any idea how few casualties we’d take if our sole goal was to go into a country, kill all the readily available targets, and leave? Do you also know how much cheaper that would be? Plus, if we actually just left Iraq right after we had that infamous “Mission Accomplished” banner, the whole Middle East would be talking about that huge Iraq military win because we totally kicked the crap out of Iraq. The only reason the conflict doesn’t look like a clear-cut victory is because we stayed after the crap-kicking to try and make friends.

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