Too Little For Too Much

It’s not really news, but the latest Orion manifest update shows how pitifully little we’re getting for the many billions of taxpayer dollars that this program will cost. Two flights per year at four astronauts per flight. The Shuttle can carry seven. so it can carry almost as many in a single flight as the Orion will carry in a year.

I’d be willing to be that the program cost in that time period will be (at a minimum) on the order of a couple billion per annum. So that means that each ride will be costing us a quarter of a billion dollars. That’s each ticket, not each flight. And that doesn’t include any amortization of the development costs of either the vehicle itself, or the new launcher. And they told us that Shuttle cost too much.

It also highlights my point about too many astronauts and too few flight slots. If this is the best we can do, then we really should give up on a federal manned space program.

[Monday morning update]

Some thoughts from Louise Riofrio on the oversized astronaut “corps.”