A Major Blow For Freedom

DC gun control laws have been stricken down, in accordance with the (properly interpreted) Second Amendment. It’s probably a good bet that this will go to the Supreme Court (which may get an opportunity to clarify Miller so that we can finally put a stake through the heart of the nonsensical “collective right” argument). This seems like a pretty big deal to me.

[Via Instapundit]

[Update a few minutes later]

If Giuliani has any political acumen whatsoever, he will laud this ruling, and pledge to nominate judges that would uphold it.

[Update after noon]

As Kathryn Jean Lopez notes, it would be useful to hear from all of the presidential candidates (both parties) on this issue.

[Late afternoon update]

For those who (like people in comments who shall remain nameless…errrr…unless you read the comment) are concerned that this won’t be heard by the court, Glenn Reynolds has a roundup of links on the subject, some of which lead to arguments that it’s very likely to (by Volokh, at least).

Of course, going to the SC is a double-edged sword. Given the current composition, be careful what you wish for…