We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges

Gerard Vanderleun doesn’t think much of O’Reilly’s proposal for a blogger code of conduct. Or of James Woolcott:

The balding little metro-sexual neuter who dispatches his hard-core unemployed in this direction is meanwhile at his home suckling his cats and writing yet another scroll of infinite dullness on “the theater in our time,” or denigrating the endless Yahoos that come to NYC to get in his way when he wants to go. (No matter that it is only because of these Yahoos that New York has a theater still. Then again what sort of grown man of any talent at all makes his living reviewing plays in this day and age anyway?) That Wolcott has no comments on his own page is enough to tell anyone that his decades of playing a beard have indeed left him the blogosphere’s leading white man possessed of an inverted if uninhabited penis.

[Update in the afternoon]

OK, maybe I’ll implement Frank J.’s comment policy.