Please Overturn My Vote

Here’s the kind of question that a supposedly objective press would ask:

The quote from Senator Reid that Kathryn quotes below is especially peculiar given that Reid himself voted in favor of the bill the Court upheld today. So he wishes O’Connor could have still been there to overturn the law he supported?

Sounds almost like George Bush on campaign finance.

[Update at 8 PM EDT]

Jacob Sullum has more thoughts on “gun-free zones:”

Cho used two handguns, a .22 and a 9mm, neither of them especially powerful or exotic. Contrary to the false promises of gun controllers, firearms cannot be neatly sorted into “good” and “evil” categories; any weapon that can be used for self-defense (or for hunting) also can be used to murder people. A gun’s specific features matter even less if the victims are unarmed.

“We can’t have an armed guard in front of every classroom every day of the year,” Virginia Tech campus police chief Wendell Flinchum said after the shootings. Given the reality that police cannot be everywhere, it is unconscionable to disarm people who want to defend themselves.