What He Said

John Scalzi, on how he decides what to put up on his blog:

I’m not nearly organized enough about this site to say to myself “Hmmm, you know, I have a book tour coming up, maybe I’ll do a whole bunch of self-promotey things, and then after that I’ll write some more about politics and then put up a picture of my cat, because the kids always love that.” Honestly and truly, what I write about here is whatever I’m thinking about at that moment. There is no plan, there is no agenda, there is nothing except me sitting in front of my computer banging out words. Sometimes you’ll get what you want to read, sometimes you won’t. The only thing you know that you get from it is what I want to write. That is the guiding principle.

Same thing here. Some people complain because there’s too much politics, some people complain because there’s too much space (though probably not lately). Don’t come to this site with the expectation that you’re going to get either. What you’re going to get is me, in whatever mood I’m in, set off by whatever event set me off that day. This isn’t a regular publication, with publishing deadlines, themes, advertising. It’s just (as Virginia Postrel used to call it before the word “blog” caught on) a me-zine. Take it or leave it.