Lazy (And Rude) Commenters

It took the fortieth commenter in this post to tell me that the first link was broken. As I note there, it simply confirms my long-standing observation that many commenters here respond only to what I write or excerpt, without troubling themselves to go read what I’m basing my comments on. For instance, Bill White didn’t respond at all, instead using the opportunity to grab my bandwidth and disk space, and my readers’ eyeballs, to post and link to blather from Barack Obama.

Often, of course, people who do this make fools of themselves, when I link to a satirical piece, because they don’t have any idea what I linked to, instead just responding to the opposite of my point.

Here’s a suggestion for everyone. Read more, and comment less, until you actually know what you’re commenting about, and have had time to give it a little thought.