“Tyranny Pays”

From the IBD:

A high-tech revolution had spread ideas of freedom across the Web. Migrant laborers returned home with tales of glimpsing freer societies. The economy had tanked, with fuel prices doubling and public tolerance of the morally bankrupt regime hitting an all-time low. There didn’t seem to be a way this regime could last.

There is an exception, however: The brute force of a violent military regime that cares little what the world thinks. It’s a message real tyrants send with a soggy U.N. establishment doing nothing. They expect to get away with it. They’re counting on a few visits from U.N. officials, a few statements of condemnation, a few expressions of “concern” and then another 20 years of tyranny.

After all, they’ve looked at the opprobrium America drew from this global consensus when it sent in troops to overturn a comparable tyranny in Iraq. That verdict from the global establishment that calls itself “the world”