An Iwo Jima Moment?

If things continue to go well, this photo should win a Pulitzer.

But probably not in today’s media environment. After all, it goes against the narrative. And of course, we know how today’s media would have treated that moment.

[Late evening update]

“Wretchard” (aka Richard Fernandez) has related, and more articulate (as usual) thoughts.

[Update on Thursday afternoon]

Here’s some more good news:

A rare visit by a delegation representing Sunni tribes in the Province of Anbar to the predominantly Shiite Province of Qadissiya is yet another signal that Iraqis are keen to put an end to sectarian strife.

The Anbar delegation included major Sunni tribes who have formed a coalition and raised a tribal force to check Qaeda influence in their areas.

Sheikh Mohammed Shaalan said both Sunni and Shiite tribes in the two provinces have vowed to bring national reconciliation to success.

Shaalan, who spoke for the meeting, said a tribal delegation from Qadissiya would also travel to Anbar in the near future.