Tell Us What You Really Feel

Maybe I’m just reading more than I should from his review, but Michael Medved doesn’t seem impressed with “Redacted”:

I am actually one of the few people in the country who has seen the new movie. It is called “Redacted” … And let me just tell you, before I go to actually reviewing it: It could be the worst movie I’ve ever seen. I mean, the out and out worst, most disgusting, most hateful, most incompetent, most revolting, most loathsome, most reprehensible cinematic work I have ever encountered. This is having reviewing movies for more than 25 years. [It] covers a lot of disgusting ground, but none more disgusting than ‘Redacted,’ which portrays the Marine Corps, one of the finest organizations ever assembled by human beings, portrays the U.S. Marine Corps, as corrupt, vicious, racist killers and rapists … (snip) …

It portrays the members of our Marine Corps in the most disgusting way imaginable. They hang out in barracks, drunk or stoned, with Confederate flags all over the place. And the head Marine, who is the leading rapist and murderer, is a big fat guy, I mean, hugely out of shape, right – just the typical Marine (sarcastic) – Marines tend not to look like that – big fat guy, overhanging belly, cigar-chomping, loud-mouthed, sort of fair-complexion. His name is Rush. Nothing in movies is an accident. They’re clearly trying to indict and smear Rush Limbaugh by saying that secretly he wants to rape and abuse 14-year old girls and murder them and then burn their bodies … (snip) …

The film is atrociously acted. It’s incredibly badly done … (snip)

But why listen to him? He’s just a wingnut…