It’s About Time

Proposed legislation to make liable entities that create “gun-free zones.”

All this does is make clear that whoever creates an obviously dangerous situation, by forcing the disarmament of innocent people entering, (“legitimate” coercion by the property owner) — which they’re fully entitled to do under the bill — there’s a consequence for that risky action. As there should be for creating such a self-evidently unsafe situation. And it only matters if the danger manifests, and some psychopath turns the hair parlor into a victim zone. If there’s no assault, then there’s no problem. Gun-o-phobes can sleep tight thinking the rest of us are just a bunch of paranoids. The bill merely addresses criminally misguided notions of safety…

Try thinking of this as the Luby’s Massacre Act. Maybe that will help emphasize the blatant and profound fraud of proposing gun-free zones as safety nets. The heartless, insensitive, thoughtless perpetrators of defenseless victim zones should be ashamed of themselves.

This kind of thing should have been done after 911. If Virginia had had such a law, the death and injury toll at VTech probably would have been a lot lower.

Of course, Sarkozy won’t like it, but fortunately, this is America, not France.

[Update a few minutes later]

Here’s a profile of the woman who stopped the killing in the Colorado church. Good thing it wasn’t a “gun-free zone.”

[Afternoon update]

Here’s someone else of whom Sarkozy would disapprove.
