Never Say Die

Just out of curiosity, I decided to see if the domain was taken. It was, and it was up before the Florida primary:

…we urge all conservatives to VOTE FOR FRED DALTON THOMPSON during your state’s primpary [sic]. And if he isn’t on the ballot, WRITE-IN FRED THOMPSON. It is imperative that we sent a message to our party and our nation, that it is time to return to ideals of our founders and our constitution. Its [sic] time we send a message to our party and the media that this should once again become a serious process among professionals who are serious about the task at hand and not just looking for power and prestige. Its [sic] time we return to citizen servants who seek to further the cause of democracy and not just their self interests.

They could use an editor, but I’m certainly sympathetic to the cause.

50 thoughts on “Never Say Die”

  1. I’m voting for Fred Dalton Thompson. This has always been my intent.

    Sincerely, Loyal Fredhead.

  2. I for one will be writing in Fred’s name in our primary, doubt it’ll do much good, but I just can’t stomach the McNutt or Romney!

  3. Hm, but if you vote for someone that has withdrawn, then aren’t you effectively removing votes from your second favorite? Seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    The way to make a democracy strong is to compromise – entrenched positions move power towards the fringes in a democracy.

  4. We are all twhirrilys** now!

    **which is my long-standing, personal, only I “get it” not-quite-a-joke (and, I thought, dimwitted) attempt to get others to join me (at Ace’s conservative bastion of irreverency) about a Fred write-in. Link here (since I’m not sure you do HTML tags for linking):

  5. I’m trying to decide between writing in Fred Thompson or voting for Ron Paul. For certain, I think the message needs to be sent. I think Paul will get more votes and scare the party more for it.

  6. I’m voting Fred here in NY on Feb. 5th and I did contribute a fair amount to his campaign, for a working stiff. Hubby (a Vietnam vet) and I will never vote for McCain.

  7. I mailed in my Virginia absentee ballot from my temporary home in Canada on January 15th, which was a week or so before FDT dropped out of the race. I’d still mark FDT on my ballot today and encourage others to do so, too. We need to send McCain and Romney a clear and stringent message.

  8. I mailed in my Virginia absentee ballot from my temporary home in Canada on January 15th, which was a week or so before FDT dropped out of the race. I’d still mark FDT on my ballot today and encourage others to do so, too. We need to send McCain and Romney a clear and stringent message.

  9. “We need to send McCain and Romney a clear and stringent message.”

    … That they can’t count on your support in the general, and might as well ignore you?

    Yeah, that’s the ticket.

    Look, Fred was one of my top two choices, and I’m very sorry to see him out of the race. But he’s out of the race.

    I very much dislike McCain, but “dislike” doesn’t begin to describe my feelings about the Democratic candidates.

  10. I already mailed-in my California absentee ballot with Fred, and my wife voted for Richardson.
    McCain has little traction with me, and Romney is a gun-grabber who’s unfaithful to the 2nd Amendment – in that regard not much different than any Democrat.
    I’m not a Republican, I’m a Not-Democrat.

  11. If we put a pseudo-Republican in the White House, the real Republicans in congress will support him.

    On the other hand, if we put the most offensive imaginable Democrat in the White House, the Republicans in congress will act and vote like Republicans.

    Not as a message, but as a genuine effort to preserve congressional opposition to the advance of big government, I will be voting for gridlock. Gridlock is good. Gridlock = Checks and Balances.

    If it looks certain the Democrat will win, I will write in Fred. Otherwise, I will be forced to hold my nose and vote for the Democrat.

  12. He’ll be on the ballot in Illinois, so I’ll be voting for him.

    Fred: Convention power broker ’08

  13. I’m voting “anyone but McCain” in the Ca primary, not that it will change anything. Assuming he gets the nomination, I’m voting for whoever the Democrats nominate, because if we have to have a pro-tax, pro-imigration, anti-business, aniti-gun, authoritarian, socialist jackass in the White House, I’d rather they have a (D) after their name, if for no other reason than to save the GOP as a flag for conservatives to rally around. In the unlikely event that McCain won and got to be Pres for 4 or (God forbid) 8 years, I think that would change the party enough that I would no long be comfortable with that affiliation.

  14. Am following Bill Quick’s sense on this one. GOP has to be punished, has to feel The Pain, to get it through their thick heads that we want a real principled conservative. Even if that means putting a Donk in the White House.

    I’m STILL with Fred in Wyoming.

  15. Look, I wanted Fred in as much as anybody, but he just doesn’t have the fire in the belly. I don’t know what it is, but he seemed at the end to not want it. Hillary will be the next President. Done deal, the only thing left is the coronation. Long live the Queen. I agree the Republicans (and Americans) need to feel the pain thats coming so that we can rally in 2012 and rise again.

  16. For those suggesting it is crazy to vote for Fred and not support McCain or Romney now… it’s the primary. I can hold my nose to keep a Democrat from winning the Presidency, but I can send a message now to the Republican candidate in the primaries.

  17. Well, there’s nobody else I want to vote for in the primary.

    I was going to vote for Thompson; I even donated a couple times to his campaign. I see no particular reason not to vote for him anyway.

    Kind of like Ron Paul; he’s not going to win, but “they” might notice, I think is the strategy.

    If Thompson and Paul get enough votes on Super Tuesday, maybe, just maybe, the GOP will start to recognize that they’ve ignored the small government/libertarians and the Reagan conservatives.

  18. I’ll be voting for Fred.

    Not because I’m whining that my guy lost, but because he’s shorthand for ‘a conservative.’ I’d rather there weren’t the sore-loser overtones, but even with them it seems the practical choice.

    And it’s not throwing my vote away. There’s going to be a liberal elected no matter what I do; picking one or another of them not only won’t change that, it will add to the perceived mandate. That’s not just a wasted vote; it’s a malevolent one.

  19. Well, I hope people know the law in their respective states. In Illinois (for example) if the write-in candidate does not have an approved petition (per township IIRC) the write in vote is tossed out. The period for such a petition is almost long enough to have gotten on the ballot in the first place.
    Certainly long before any candidates would have dropped out of the race.

  20. Well, I hope people know the law in their respective states. In Illinois (for example) if the write-in candidate does not have an approved petition (per township IIRC) the write in vote is tossed out. The period for such a petition is almost long enough to have gotten on the ballot in the first place.
    Certainly long before any candidates would have dropped out of the race.

  21. Well, I hope people know the law in their respective states. In Illinois (for example) if the write-in candidate does not have an approved petition (per township IIRC) the write in vote is tossed out. The period for such a petition is almost long enough to have gotten on the ballot in the first place.
    Certainly long before any candidates would have dropped out of the race.

  22. Well, I hope people know the law in their respective states. In Illinois (for example) if the write-in candidate does not have an approved petition (per township IIRC) the write in vote is tossed out. The period for such a petition is almost long enough to have gotten on the ballot in the first place.
    Certainly long before any candidates would have dropped out of the race.

    And yes, I did donate to Fred, and my yard signs bought before he dropped out finally arrived yesterday.
    They are going up anyway.

  23. Well, I hope people know the law in their respective states. In Illinois (for example) if the write-in candidate does not have an approved petition (per township IIRC) the write in vote is tossed out. The period for such a petition is almost long enough to have gotten on the ballot in the first place.
    Certainly long before any candidates would have dropped out of the race.

    And yes, I did donate to Fred, and my yard signs bought before he dropped out finally arrived yesterday.
    They are going up anyway.

  24. Well, I hope people know the law in their respective states. In Illinois (for example) if the write-in candidate does not have an approved petition (per township IIRC) the write in vote is tossed out. The period for such a petition is almost long enough to have gotten on the ballot in the first place.
    Certainly long before any candidates would have dropped out of the race.

    And yes, I did donate to Fred, and my yard signs bought before he dropped out finally arrived yesterday.
    They are going up anyway.

  25. Well, Ron Paul is still running…so there is still a real conservative in the race. No way I am voting for another big-government socialist-lite neocon pro-defense democrat wannabe like Bush. Until the republican establishment stops giving us these democrats running as false-conservatives, they have lost my vote and I am not even all THAT hard core a conservative…

    The republicans are loosing everyone on the right side of the center…not just the far right. I guess they wont realize that until its too late.

  26. “Its” is accepted as legitimate spelling in common usage. Geeeezzzzz…

    Not as a contraction. Only as a possessive.

  27. McCain has two radical open border types in high positions on his campaign staff, Juan Hernandez and Jerry Perenchio. I will never vote for him. McCain or either Democrat will be bad news for our country. I would rather have that news delivered on the Democrats watch.

    Party loyalty is more important with respect to Congressional races.

  28. Fred did not “fail” America.

    The political system failed to allow a conservative voice to be heard. The MSM and RINOs succeeded in drowning out Fred’s message with ugly propaganda.

    Fred withdrew because voters failed him. But many Americans will still write in Fred Thompson POTUS on election days in order to prove that we conservatives are not extinct and our existence is more relevant today than ever.

  29. FDT leaving the race is so depressing that I find myself not caring what happens now. Except for the wacko nutjob, their isn’t a dimes worth of difference between any of the candidates (R or D.)

    If FDT could get more than 15% on a write-in, that would send a message, but it’s more likely to be less than 2% because so many disappointed fredheads are looking at too many other options. Hoping the write-in idea will take off may be hoping for too much.

    We’re heading over a cliff and there are no brakes.

    My disgust with the media has reached saturation.

  30. Mjolnir wrote:
    “Its” is accepted as legitimate spelling in common usage. Geeeezzzzz…

    FYI – There’s an apostrophe missing. Mjolnir must be another product of our public school system.

  31. Fred’s on the primary ballot here in “Doity Joisey” and so, on Tuesday, I will be voting for him. What-the-hell, he’s the only Republican in the campaign.

  32. I’ll also be voting for Fred on Tuesday here in “Doity joisey” as he’s the only Republican in the campaign. All the other candidates are Democrats of various degrees. It probably wont do a bit of good past allowing me to feel a little better about having so little choice. What-the-hell.

  33. Well, I got back from early voting. I have volunteered for election judge and it is not at my precinct but a ways away.

    Illinois went back to the “old” way of voting for Presidents.
    voting candidates are separate from voting delegates to the convention.

    If you want to, then do as I did.

    Vote Thompson for Republican candidate, and the three local delegates for (or most against) whoever you wish in a manner that you feel will not “throw away” your votes.

    THe “beauty pageant” is separate from convention delegate voting

  34. Well, I got back from early voting. I have volunteered for election judge and it is not at my precinct but a ways away.

    Illinois went back to the “old” way of voting for Presidents.
    voting candidates are separate from voting delegates to the convention.

    If you want to, then do as I did.

    Vote Thompson for Republican candidate, and the three local delegates for (or most against) whoever you wish in a manner that you feel will not “throw away” your votes.

    THe “beauty pageant” is separate from convention delegate voting

  35. Well, I got back from early voting. I have volunteered for election judge and it is not at my precinct but a ways away.

    Illinois went back to the “old” way of voting for Presidents.
    voting candidates are separate from voting delegates to the convention.

    If you want to, then do as I did.

    Vote Thompson for Republican candidate, and the three local delegates for (or most against) whoever you wish in a manner that you feel will not “throw away” your votes.

    THe “beauty pageant” is separate from convention delegate voting

  36. I think my vote in the Georgia primary would be better spent on Romney, but if McCain’s the nominee I will certainly look into casting a write-in vote in November.

  37. I voted for Fred in the CA primaries (by absentee) even though he had dropped out. I’m not sure I _CAN_ vote for McCain without losing my lunch, and I’m not particularly fond of Romney, either.

    Would McCain be better than Obama/Clinton? Any of them would be a train wreck, and if there’s going to be a disaster, I’d rather it be a Democrat disaster than a Republican disaster.

    I considered voting for Paul; if he runs as a Libertarian again, I may yet.

  38. If you’re tired of the Republicans selling limited-government principles down the river, you don’t have to resort to write-in votes for not candidates or tactical votes for bad candidates. Vote Libertarian. The GOP will know exactly where the danger lies, and they’ll respond to a doubling of the Libertarian vote better than to a write-in campaign where half the votes get thrown out anyway.

    Besides, Wayne Allyn Root isn’t your ordinary drug-addled Libertarian candidate:

  39. Thompson is a disorganized, grabasstic quitter. The country would have been a lot better off if he had never opened his worthless pie-hole and gotten a lot of people excited about things he didn’t have the balls to deliver.

    Disappointed? You bet I’m disappointed. But not half as much as if he had gone flaccid after being chosen to actually acomplish something with his half-assed sense of duty.

    Vote Ron Paul or Romney. What else can you do?

  40. Write-in Fred Thompson for President
    Written by WriteInFred
    Saturday, 26 January 2008
    Conservatives are in agreement; there was no other truly conservative candidate for the nomination of the Presidency in 2008 than Fred Dalton Thompson. The Republican Party is leaving us with its big government candidates who don

  41. I have made a pledge to my clear concience long ago and I’m staying true to my word. I and my wife are voting for Fred in the primaries and general. Any other vote is for a liberal or a nutjob isolationist.

  42. I voted for Fred Thompson in early voting in Tennessee after he dropped out because I could not vote for a RINO! There is no clear winner in most states and the blogosphere is hot with Fred and after the last debate everyone is missing the only real conservative. He has delegates that he has not released and has not endorsed another candidate. In a brokered convention Fred will shine because there will be true Republicans making decisions and not independents and Democrats crossing over to vote in primaries to get a RINO in…Republican in name only!

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