10 thoughts on “How Well Do You Know Europe?”

  1. Pretty good, Duncan. Get out your white flag and cheese.

    My biggest downfalls were confusing Austria and Hungary (and I put Belgrade too far north), and not knowing that that German-sounding place was in Sweden. Must be a(n otherwise undistinguished) Lufthansa hub.

    As I said, if one had endless time to waste, it would be possible to fine tune to a very high score. Sadly, I suspect that most people (especially Americans, but probably Asians and Africans even more) wouldn’t even be able to find the continent on a globe.

  2. Am I supposed to divide them (11.2%)?

    Yes, or at least that’s what I did. Good for you, especially considering you’re doing it from Down Under.

  3. If I’d been an actual pilot on some of those flights, I would be in Gitmo now for the number of hijackings and crash landings I perpetrated. And yet I still scored almost 25,000 points, so…

  4. Hmm I bet you’re talking about Gothenburg Rand (Gøteborg in Norwegian and Göteborg in Swedish). I guess the umlaut only makes it look even more German to those unfamiliar with Swedish.

    Second largest city in Sweden, not known as a Lufthansa hub at all ^_^

  5. Sorry about the weird characters, they displayed correctly in the preview. In the Norwegian name it’s o with a slash and in the Swedish name it’s o with an umlaut (sounds the same).

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