If This Isn’t Fascism…

…what is it?

Toward the end of his speech, Dr. Suzuki said that “we can no longer tolerate what’s going on in Ottawa and Edmonton” and then encouraged attendees to hold politicians to a greater green standard.

“What I would challenge you to do is to put a lot of effort into trying to see whether there’s a legal way of throwing our so-called leaders into jail because what they’re doing is a criminal act,” said Dr. Suzuki, a former board member of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.

[Afternoon update]

Apparently, such is the threat from global warming that we’ll have to sacrifice democracy on its altar:

[T]he authors conclude that an authoritarian form of government is necessary, but this will be governance by experts and not by those who seek power.

Well, that’s a relief.

Actually, there’s a bunch of good stuff like this over at Jonah’s Liberal Fascism blog today. Just keep a scrollin.’ Including Joshua Lederberg’s thoughts on letting scientists run things.