10 thoughts on “Must Be Global Warming (Part 15,478)”

  1. It was 20C in Souther Sweden a couple of weeks ago when I was there, and -9C in central England last week when I was passing through.

    I think the phrase you keep forgetting is Climate Change, NOT Global warming, but then, you’ve never let data get in the way of an amusing rant have you?

  2. Aww Daveon – nobody ever argued that the climate doesn’t change – it’s just been a question as to whether us bad humans were causing the earth to get warmer and cause all the good animals to die or change habitats. So maybe the phrase that keeps coming up IS global warming… but wait, you’d never let facts get in the way of an amusing rant would you?

  3. I think the phrase you keep forgetting is Climate Change, NOT Global warming, but then, you’ve never let data get in the way of an amusing rant have you?

    The Earth’s climate has changed constantly throughout geologic time, most of which happened before there were any humans. It seems rather like hubris to claim with any certainty that the current continuation of climate change must be the fault of humans. Also, blaming every weather incident (like Kerry did recently with some tornados) on AGW without a shred of evidence does tend to undermine whatever credibility the “true believers” claim to have.

  4. How about if we apply some science instead of intuition to this problem? What do you know, Founda and others, 2004 analyzed the entire temperature record since 1897 from the National Athens Observatory.

    What they found is that freezing events in winter were actually common in Athens before 1960, with a brief blip of increased activity the eighties.

    But snow in Athens is rare now. Rare does not mean impossible though.

    (And yes, they do find a strong annual warming trend).

  5. The Earth’s climate has changed constantly throughout geologic time, most of which happened before there were any humans. It seems rather like hubris to claim with any certainty that the current continuation of climate change must be the fault of humans.

    Wow, you really nailed it. Have you considered publication of this breakthrough theory of yours?

  6. Wow, you really nailed it. Have you considered publication of this breakthrough theory of yours?

    Since I refuse to drink the grape Kool Aid regarding AGW, no one would publish anything I wrote. They prefer their echo chamber where no disenting opinions are allowed. “Lalalalala! I can’t hear you!”

  7. Since I refuse to drink the grape Kool Aid regarding AGW, no one would publish anything I wrote.

    No, you refuse to read scientific white papers on climatology because you are a scientific illiterate.

    No one would publish anything you wrote, because you haven’t written anything, all you’ve managed to do is regurgitate the most ignorant of all denialism rants.

    You are unable even to dissent, since you are illiterate.

  8. I is an idiot wrote:

    Good handle. It suits you perfectly. You are an idiot and demonstrate it every time you touch a keyboard.

    Oh, and have a nice day.

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