Turning Up The Heat

I’ve been predicting for a while that this won’t be another summer of love for the Democrats, but a lot more like Chicago, 1968. Apparently a lot of Obama supporters agree with me.

…if the Machine tries to give the Clintons the victory at the convention, I swear to God, [1968] Chicago’s going to look like a Sadie Hawkins dance. People my age are going to be throwing stones. We all have transportation — cell phones — disposable income — the Internet — free time — and Seattle as our example. Part of me is scared of a riot. Part of me isn’t. The nomination belongs to Obama. Do you think we’re going to let the Democratic Leadership Council take it? “God gave Noah the rainbow sign. No more water, fire next time.”

Between this kind of stuff, and the recruiting office bombing, this year is shaping up to give me a sixties nostalgia (and the King and Kennedy assassination fortieth anniversaries, both events that I remember clearly, are coming up soon).

6 thoughts on “Turning Up The Heat”

  1. If the riots start, I am heading your way with an entire grain feedbag full of unpopped Orville Reddenbacker.

  2. On the one hand, I’d rather not see a riot.
    On the other, leftists throwing rocks, looting, and burning buildings may be the wakeup call this country needs.

  3. Why is it I hear a small echo in the back of my mind “A riot is an ugly thing, and it’s about time we had one.”

    It was funny in “Young Frankenstein,” it’s not funny for real. If this is typical of Obama supporters, as Rand says other horrid events from the 60s might also happen. One cannot argue or debate with a fanatic.

    Or is this merely a case of Internet bravado, where one can talk tough with electrons but becomes milktoast in reality?

  4. The model for this should be Seattle WTO riots of about ten years ago. Based on that, you need to factor in local gov’ts unwillingness to confront these thugs, or even providing support for them. So while a lot of this might be engaged Intertubes chest thumping, there are also people making sure that the Denver area gov’t are prepared to give in, or at least let the good time roll. Don’t be surprised if you hear about a movement to get Boulder declared a “sanctuary” and provide a place for these thuglets to run and hide should things actually get hot.

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