4 thoughts on “The End Of Reporters?”

  1. The difference in the reporters and bloggers was evident sometime back, in a poll of the reporters. The grand majority of reporters said they were Democrats, voted Democrat, leaned left, thought liberal, hated GWB, yet thought THEY were fair and un-biased in their reporting. They were sure their own beliefs did not influence their reporting and how’s that for delusional?

    I’m not sure how you can dis-associate yourself from your core beliefs as you write. Unless you’re writing a grocery list.

  2. Unless you’re writing a grocery list.

    Yeah, but if you’re writing that list while hungry…kind of the same thing.

  3. Reporters no more?

    From an interesting piece in PJ Media on whether reporters are an endangered species… …This middleman function, with reporters serving as mere links in a news supply chain, was never needed until fairly recently. Before the printing press was…

  4. Yeah, but if you’re writing that list while hungry…kind of the same thing.

    Mac, I totally forgot about that kind of a mindset. To be sure there is a political bent to a grocery list, if the writer is a GWB hating, anti-global warming activist, vegan.

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