4 thoughts on “Damn You, Global Warming”

  1. Gotta luv the AGW theory. Warm weather… the cult, I mean theory of AGW explains it! Extra cold weather as with the seal hunt or here in New England where we’ve had record snowfall and below normal temperatures…no problem, just re-name it to ‘climate change’ and Viola! theory vindicated by observation. Nobel Prize material.

  2. Uh Rand

    If you look at the date of the article (Feb 13, 2008), we have already passed the 30 day window for the USGS announcement. Looks like it is a scam.

    Too bad.

    According to someone on another blog, Marathon oil is talking about 20,000 barrels a day right now. Nice but hardly the holy grail.

  3. Dennis,

    You posted in the wrong thread. Read my links.

    As to the USGS being late, hell my agency has reports that are FIVE YEARS LATE!

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