He’s Got His Number

I think that Victor Davis Hanson has diagnosed the situation spot on, and it’s good news for Republicans, because it means that a) Obama is almost a lock on the nomination and b) there’s no way he can win the general election. Particularly since Hillary! will do everything she can to prevent it, as long as her fingerprints aren’t on it.

…privately they acknowledge:

–that their candidate made a devil’s bargain with a racist to create an authentic black persona in order to jump start a political career in Chicago;

–that their candidate was so inured to de rigueur anti-American speech from his church days, black-liberationist friends, assorted reverends, and former radicals like Ayers, that he never really thought things that Wright said were all that big a deal — hence his deer-in-the-headlights approach to the initial scandal and serial hedging. After all, in Obama’s adopted world, his church really isn’t “particularly controversial;”

–that their Obama messiah is hardly a new politician, but instead a very gifted and charismatic actor, who, in skillful fashion, can talk about utopian politics but then backstep, hedge, and get away with more than anyone since Bill Clinton in his prime in 1992 (one of the reasons that those two dislike each other so is that they are so much alike) — and that is not such a bad thing after all.

Yes, I can easily imagine letting such talk pass, while not necessarily agreeing with it, accepting it as well within reasonable discourse. I remember doing it a lot in college.

But I grew up.