13 thoughts on “A Turnaround?”

  1. Considering that there are about 5 gun related deaths a day in Chicago, it would seem that Mr. Obama’s community service did not have its intended result.

  2. Obama is tough. He took apart Hillary Clinton and she had
    $100 Million. Obama will take apart McCain and the other
    GOP stooges too.

  3. Wow, he’s like the Hulk! “Obama smash!”

    No, seriously, “tough”? The man’s so neurotic he twitches — he can’t even admit he apparently slept through his church’s sermons for twenty years. And don’t be his friend… The only reason he hasn’t given his wife the “this isn’t the Michelle I knew” treatment is probably because she has his balls in a mason jar in the fridge.

  4. “Obama is tough. He took apart Hillary Clinton and she had
    $100 Million. Obama will take apart McCain and the other
    GOP stooges too.”

    The right way to look at it is Obama barely beat Hillary and she was a horrible candidate. He spent over a 100 million to accomplish this.

    You can take apart nothing with nothing but you can’t take apart something with nothing.

    If he was so damn tough, why is he afraid to debate McCain?

    Obama will join the likes of McGovern, Mondale and Dukakis in histories dustbin of great failures.

  5. What a miserable bunch of morons are gathered here at Simberg’s table.

    Obama is tough enough to take on absent Black parents today on Father’s Day.

    Apparently McCain called his wife a c**t once again, in celebration of his family values.

    You make the call.

  6. Mike Puckett mentions:
    “Obama spent over $100 Million taking apart Clinton”

    Well the interesting part is Obama has raised almost
    3 times as much cash as McCain has.

    Sounds like McCain is losing the money primary

  7. That’s probably not Elifritz. Not his style (among other things, he always comes up with “clever” (aka idiotic) screen names). But I did rename him myself, since he was too cowardly to take credit for his defiling of my site.

  8. Elephant Felcher #2 wrote:
    “What a miserable bunch of morons are gathered”

    And I submit that resorting to the fallacy of ad hominem takes anything else you say beyond moronity.

    I’d like to add that John Mccain didn’t need to raise uber levels of cash to come out on top of the Republican primary. In fact there were other Republican candidates that pulled him more cash them him and they still lost. Therefore, it could be concluded that the Presidential candidate with the most money does not always win.

  9. Hmmm, I have a new problem with Obama. Apparently he wants new rules to deal with deadbeat dads…great…how about deadbeat moms? How about a court system that in a custody situation almost unfailingly, the courts lean towards the woman? Barack “Status Quo” Obama will do nothing to correct a serious problem that occurs in our nation repeatedly. If he wants to get the divorced father vote, and there are a huge number of them, then he should campaign on 50/50 custody being assumed because children need their daddies as much as their mommies.

  10. Hmmm, I have a new problem with Obama. Apparently he wants new rules to deal with deadbeat dads…great…how about deadbeat moms?

    The audience he was addressing yesterday, African Americans, has a much bigger problem with deadbeat dads than moms.

    Trust a Simberg acolyte to find something to snivel about in the best of speeches.

  11. The audience he was addressing yesterday, African Americans, has a much bigger problem with deadbeat dads than moms.

    And you want to know why? Because the court system has removed dads from families for so long that dads are considered non-important to the raising of their children. You take the dads out of their children’s lives and the children cannot learn from their dad…notice I didn’t say father. This speech portion is the same thing as the garbage that FOX wanted in a new reality show to be titled “Bad Dads.” That would further perpetuate things, but it got shot down due to an email campaign. If Obama did it right, he would STATE that he wants to target PARENTS that do not actively support their children. Once again, Obama is playing off of stereotypes to garner the votes of women who feel entitled to their children because society has labelled dads as useless.

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