11 thoughts on “Deep Misanthropy”

  1. Ironically, they’re cranking up the “Only One Earth” line from ~35 years back. We must save our only home! Well, without the “we” part, I guess.

    And away we go

    [Strangelove’s plan for post-nuclear war survival involves living underground with a 10:1 female-to-male ratio]
    General “Buck” Turgidson: Doctor, you mentioned the ratio of ten women to each man. Now, wouldn’t that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned?
    Dr. Strangelove: Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. I hasten to add that since each man will be required to do prodigious… service along these lines, the women will have to be selected for their sexual characteristics which will have to be of a highly stimulating nature.
    Ambassador de Sadesky: I must confess, you have an astonishingly good idea there, Doctor.

  2. Sorry Human Haters. We are Gaia’s reproductive organs. Our purpose is to spread Gaia to other worlds. We’ve already done that. About 40 years ago, and only for a few weekends, but there was life on the Moon for the first time in 4 and a half billion years. Next time it’ll stick. Then someday we’ll bring the Life you claim to love so much to lifeless worlds like Mars and Europa and Titan (and maybe make horrid places like Venus and the Moon livable, too.)

    Note too that it’s not unsual for species to die at a part of the reproductive process. Think salmon. So all the “ecological damage” humans do may be for good, if it leads to Life spreading beyond this one world. Gaia may want us to “destroy the Earth”, killing it, in order to for Its descendants to take over the Universe. (Hey, maybe I should found a religion…)

  3. You fool! That would damage the delicate Galactic ecosystem!

    Don’t you know every time we colonize a planet, it leads to more Galactic warming?

    Hands Off Mother Galaxia!

  4. Raoul, the life that the Apollo project brought to the moon already stuck, at least for now, according to astrobiologist Don Brownlee. When asked where the nearest extraterrestrial life would be found, Brownlee answered:

    “My prediction is that the nearest alien neighbors live in feces and food scrap left on the moon by the six Apollo missions. Even though it’s been three decades, there is a good chance that hearty bacteria live and reproduce inside encapsulated small damp places and survive the monthly cycles of heat and cold as well as the effects of solar flares, ultraviolet light, and hard vacuum. If born-on-the-moon organisms are not living in food scraps (and worse) there are probably dormant terrestrial organisms trapped inside vast numbers of components – wire harnesses and tape interfaces that are parts of the lunar lander, back packs, surface experiments, rover, etc. Somewhere out there is Alan Shepard’s unsterilized golf ball, which is likely to carry a small zoo of terrestrial microorganisms.”

    Source: http://astrobio.net/news/article237.html

  5. “That would damage the delicate Galactic ecosystem!”

    Now that you mention it, there *are* people who seriously believe that humanity should never colonize other worlds because they should be left in their pristine state, uncontaminated by life.

  6. Hmmm, I wonder how long it’ll take to go from hating humanity to doing something about it. As I see it, most such misanthropy is an affectation. It’s what the cool kids are doing and not terribly serious. But someone is going to drink the kool-aid.

  7. Most of these types hate humankind because we alter our enviornment to suit us. Perhaps we should promise them to destroy ants and beavers who are also well known environmental adjusters. Would that help even the Karmic balance or at least cause some blood pressure rise at the mere suggestion.

    On one hand folks say the Earth is superpowerful and can adapt and will be here long after us and on the other it’s a delicate flower. Which is it? If some species is at risk perhaps it should learn to suck up to humanity (the way dogs do) to improve it’s chances of survival and a ticket to Mars.

  8. I wonder if what these same people thought when “W” allowed nature to wreck havoc on New Orleans. Almost forcing humanity to withdraw from the city entirely. If they were in any way consistent (in things beyond W hatred) he would have been hailed as Earth’s hero or something.

  9. Maybe we could save the earth by having Paul Ehrlich, Bill Joy, Al Gore and the like migrate to other planets.

    We could certainly save a little of our sanity…

  10. Anybody who thinks that a rock has a point of view and that we need to define our behaviors with the consideration of said rock, needs some serous help.

    Functionally speaking a rock is incapable subjectively thinking about its point of view within the context of this cruel, cruel world. In our minds, we maybe able to make it intentionally appear that the rock has a point of view. A quick reality check should tell oneself that our behaviors shouldn’t be dictated by a rock’s imaginary point of view.

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