Slow Weekend

Yesterday morning, a dump truck lived up to its name and deposited dozens of bags of mulch (malaleuca–I know you were dying to know), top soil, potting soil and sod in the yard, in a large high-entropy pile. We are still dealing with the aftermath of this event (which was not only planned, but cost us a few hundred bucks). Also, I’m working on a piece for Popular Mechanics on the fate of ISS after Shuttle.

4 thoughts on “Slow Weekend”

  1. Actually, the sod was for the neighbor next door, who had a bunch of grass die on him. We went in together on the delivery to split the charge.

  2. Careful with that stuff, Rand!

    Most cases of Legionaires Disease are caused by potting mix etc infecting individuals.
    Wear a mask and keep it wet.
    My mother survived a bout with legionaires at age 81 from this cause.

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