Interesting Rumor

Lieberman may switch parties at the Republican convention. If he caucuses with Republicans, that would make it tied in the Senate, which means that Dick Cheney would be the tie breaker, and the Republicans would take over, at least until January. Bye, bye, Majority (non)Leader Reid…

4 thoughts on “Interesting Rumor”

  1. isn’t there a pact or a rule change this term that means Reid would keep it even if that happens?

  2. The organizing resolution SR 1 does not include
    any option for a new resolution. This is why there
    was no discussion of a change in control when
    Kennedy or Johnson got sick.

    Now I am sure a certain amount of chaos can be induced
    by Lieberman leaving the Democratic caucus and going to
    the GOP, but, he will not be able to do much.

    In order to pass a new organizing resolution at least
    60 senators need to vote to close that. Not a chance that
    will occur.

    Lieberman should run as VP with McCain, he has no future
    in the Senate.

  3. Yeah. The Dems made sure the Stupid Party can’t return the Jeffords favor.

    And naming Lieberman for VP is a sure way to make sure the Gov of Illinois is the guy who gets to name a new Senator for his state next January.

  4. Lieberman should run as VP with McCain, he has no future
    in the Senate.

    Nah, I think the senator still has a future especially if the party split in the Senate remains narrow. I do find it odd how Democrats seem to cast themselves as the injured party even though a good portion of them backstabbed Lieberman in the last Senate race. Now they’re reaping what they sowed.

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